The Passionist Memorial Garden is a facility where parishioners and friends of the wider community of St. Paul of the Cross and St. Raphael’s can respectfully remember the lives of their loved ones through interment of their ashes in perpetuity.
The Passionist Memorial Garden is an initiative of the Passionist Province in Australia.
The Passionist Memorial Garden Committee ( PMGC ) is a committee appointed by the Holy Spirit Province/ Community of the Passionists to assist in the development, operation and governance of the Garden.
To assist the Passionist Community to provide responsible governance for the operation of the Passionist Memorial Garden in accordance with the rules and principles of the Community.
The PMGC’s activities will include review of potential risks, operational and financial performance of the facility as well as the development of appropriate strategies for maintaining, growing and improving the facilities and services provided. The Committee will work with the wider parish community to ensure the facility is recognised as a first class location for interment.
The Garden is located on the property of the Passionist Community who are operators of the Garden. The PMGC acts as an advisory body only and has no separate legal entity.
The PMGC has been appointed to:-
1. Assist in the identification of a strategic direction for development and growth of the garden, monitor the operation and to introduce policies, controls and procedures to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
2. Advise the Passionist Community on the resources required to operate and maintain the facility
3. Advise the Passionist Community on the structure and membership of the PMGC
4. Assist in the preparation of annual operating and maintenance budgets for the facility. Develop, review and support capital budget expenditure proposals aimed at improving services and facilities for consideration and approval by the Passionist Community.
5. Provide financial governance including:
5.1 Preparation and monitoring of budgets to ensure the ongoing financial viability of the facility is in accordance with the objectives set by key stakeholders including payment of fees.
5.2 Advice on the formation and management of a Trust Fund to ensure a long term commitment to those interred and their families.
5.3 Arrangement of an annual audit of financial operations- and seek rectification of any ‘qualifications’ that may arise.
6. Seek and monitor information pertinent to similar facilities and use the information to improve outcomes for the trustees and clients.
7. Make recommendations to the Passionist Community in relation to any major changes to facilities, services or operations.
8. Ensure relevant strategic benchmarks for measuring and improving services are established and maintained by administration.
9. Advise the Community on the scope and type of administrative services required to operate and maintain the facility.
10. Prepare and retain timely, complete and accurate records of all committee meetings.
11. Establish, review and maintain appropriate policies and procedures including systems of risk management, internal compliance and control, codes of conduct and legal compliance. Operating procedures and policies will be reviewed regularly and at least every 2 years. Risk management of the entire property encompassing the Garden is the responsibility of the Community and the PMGC will report any risk and/or compliance issues that are identified as a matter of priority.
12. Overview the development of an annual business plan including performance indicators and forward to the Passionist Community for endorsement.
13. Advise on the size and utilisation of the Trust Fund.
The committee will be comprised of up to nine (9) members. The mix of the committee members will ensure an appropriate range of knowledge, views and experience and may include nominated representatives from key stakeholders and members recommended by the Committee. The Committee will be subject to regular review of effectiveness and contribution to objectives. A member of the Community administrative staff will attend committee meetings as an ex officio member.
Generally the range of skills that members bring to the Committee will include:
- Demonstrable experience in dealing with strategic issues relating to interment of ashes, cemeteries and memorial sites
- Strong leadership and consensus building skills
- Experience with developing a strategic direction and managing its implementation
- Passionate commitment to the aims and objectives of the services
- An ability to participate constructively and in conciliatory manner to committee activities
- General knowledge of financial matters including budget preparation and management
- The Committee shall be constituted as follows:
- The Passionist Community will appoint a Chairperson of the committee.
- A member of the Holy Spirit Passionist Community .
- A member of the administration staff will be an ex officio member of the committee.
- Appointments to the committee shall be made by the Passionist Community after consultation with the existing Committee Chairman.
- Appointments to the committee shall be for a period four years with an option to renominate / reappoint.
- Should a casual vacancy arise during the year, such a vacancy may be filled in a consistent manner, at the discretion of the Passionist Community and after consultation with the current committee.
- Members of the PMGC can resign at any time by giving in writing one month’s notice to the Passionist Community.
- The committee shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer to support the Chairman
Bi-Monthly or such shorter or longer period as the Chairperson of the PMGC may deem necessary.
A quorum for meetings will be at least half the committee members, one of whom will be the Chairperson or nominated Delegate, but not including ex officio members.
Agenda and papers will be distributed seven days prior to the meeting, except in the case of a meeting being called as a matter of urgency. Minutes will be circulated to all members of the committee and to the Community administration. Minutes of meetings shall be confirmed at the next meeting of the committee.
[CP Sign]
Memorial Garden
Urrbrae SA